Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"I'm back..."

Hello all, and no apologies for being so silent for so long because all would fall flat.

There are significant distractions in my life, including/especially my aging parents (who are in varying degrees of declining health and demand a good deal of attention from my patient wife, Joyce, and me), the UDK (which had a trying year on many fronts and continues to face the same "challenges" that all traditional media are facing), and other issues that, for those who know me, will find interesting (or, at least, I suspect as much given our conversations).

I will post in the coming days details about all of those topics and more, including a serendipitous encounter with a great German couple this summer on the Loneliest Road in America, and a bone-rattling moment (which was a "moment," shortly before that encounter with my new German friends, that lasted about four hours) when Ms. Garmin sent me on what I have dubbed the Scariest Road in America.

And just a quick note on this past weekend: Wonderful. UDK alums gathered this weekend, about 50 at our house for a tailgate before the KU football game, and 150 or so Sunday night at the Grenada. It was great seeing everyone. And, as promised, I reminisced with and kissed as many of those good folks as I could. It was a wonderful time seeing how most have, well, become adults! Proud of each and every one.

So, stay tuned folks. More to come -- and soon. Promise.

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