News flash! I'm back posting to this blog after a LONG absence, and, on May 31, it's official: I'm going to retire.
As for retirement, it's a choice, and it's about time. I'll be 70 in June, and after 2011's medical adventure, time to spend time on other things we'd like to spend time on before time runs out. And none of us truly knows when that will be.
(The decision to retire, by the way, is likely one that is filled with cheering and applause -- half from those who've appreciated my efforts here the past 17 years, the last 11 of which at the good ol' University Daily Kansan; the other half -- well, even with some overlap -- of folks who likely are cheering and applauding my departure. ["'Bout time!"] Well, you can't please everyone! Never have; never really tried. But I have been sincere in my efforts, and I've always worked hard.)
But that's not the "News flash!"
It's this: On May 11, and everyone is invited, Joyce is tossin' a retirement party -- an "open house" -- for me at our home -- 1013 Holiday Drive in Lawrence -- from 2 p.m. to whenever (well, likely about 8 p.m.-ish). And you -- one and all -- are invited. (RSVPs appreciated, but not required.)
Many of you, especially those who read our annual newsletter*, know that this has been a year filled with distractions, most good, but not all. (*And for those of you who want access to our annual newsletter, head to
I'll use those events as an excuse for remaining so silent for so long.
As for retirement, first the party, with good beer (likely from Free State), good brats (likely from HyVee, which makes terrific ones), and good "birth of..." music (which means the "birth of rock 'n' roll," meaning all from the '50s and '60s). And a lot of BS (reminiscing).
We're excited...for the party and for what follows.
Lots of things to do (and on our bucket list). As for staying busy, I've got a couple of writing projects I want to complete, and I'm sure (though state regulations forbid us from discussing it for 60 days after retirement) I'll keep a toe or two into the School of Journalism and KU. At least that's the hope.
And we do plan to stay in Lawrence, at least until Joyce retires in two years.
So, please, join us on Saturday, May 11, at our place.
As they say in the South -- Joyce is a true Southern gal; I'm a Yankee who grew up in the South -- "all y'all come."